Photo Credit: House Wren Photography
When we found out about Babbling Babes, we just knew that 1. We had to attend a Gathering and 2. Our clients would love to hear about them! Our first Gathering was eye-opening - we met wonderful moms, cute babies, and were able to chat and connect with women while enjoying mimosas over brunch. Those first few months with a newborn can be extremely isolating and lonely, which is why Stephanie Ciatti decided to create an organization of women focused on connection and community. Read on to learn more about Babbling Babes!
1. What made you decide to start Babbling Babes?
I started BB after having my third baby. I had a very difficult transition from one baby to two. My second baby was very colicky and, although I forced myself to leave the house with two, I often felt on edge going places with a baby who was constantly spitting up or crying (she had the worst reflux). So, when I was pregnant with my third baby, I searched high and low for Mom & Baby groups that weren’t your typical hospital groups. I enjoyed hospital groups and gained a lot of information from them, but I was looking for something that was held in fun spots around the city. It’s a lot of work heading out of the house with a baby, so I wanted to make the most of it while making mom friends that were in the same season of life. When you have a baby, you’re not quite ready for all the toddler-focused classes and spaces, yet you may not always feel welcome in the spaces you frequented pre-baby. So, you’re left with a cute baby to hold and cuddle and a longing to do that while surrounded by other moms in comfy, fun locations. I felt like new and new again moms should exist together in beautiful spaces around our city.
When I was unable to find something like this, I decided I was going to create it. I so desperately did not want to repeat my second postpartum experience and knew how important community within my own community is! So, Babbling Babes was born. I was able to head back to some of my favorite places, baby in tow, and be surrounded by other moms in spaces that opened their doors to local moms and babies.
Babbling Babes supports a woman’s transition into motherhood by offering a safe space at Gatherings surrounded by other moms in beautiful locations. We were able to feel like more than “just mom” and have events to look forward to. I wanted to bring the village back for new moms. I wanted to foster real, in-person connections between moms and between businesses in our city, which is needed now more than ever.
2. What do some of the gatherings that you organize look like?
We have had Gatherings at Villa Terrace, Colectivo cafes, The Iron Horse, Journeyman Hotel, Harbor House, Goddess and the Baker, Tupelo Honey, and Happy Day Farmhaus to name a few. Gatherings are typically 1-2 hours of connection. We have done baby brunches and Halloween parties. Some have professional photographers to capture photos of you and your babe and some are just grabbing a coffee and sitting in a space where you can chat with other moms while your babe gets interaction with other babies. We have Community Gatherings led by Babbling Babes moms in parks across the city. These are often on weekends and open to whole families so dads and partners can make friends in the same season as well. We have Moms’ Nights in fun spots like Ruby Tap and Tupelo Honey.
3. Most of our clients live in the Milwaukee, North Shore, and Waukesha areas. Where do your gatherings occur?
We have a lot of Gatherings on the Northshore and downtown. We have had Gatherings at Goddess and the Baker in Brookfield and many Community Gatherings in the Waukesha area. These Gatherings occur at various times. Many are on weekday mornings while others are on the weekend. Moms Nights are scattered both during the week and on the weekend.
4. What do you hope moms (and babies) get out of Babbling Babes?
Connection. Community. When it comes down to it- it’s all about community.
Life gets so much sweeter when you surround yourself with open-hearted women that are in the same season of life as you. You figure it out together, you support each other, you lift each other up.
5. Is there anything else you want moms to know?
I have heard from so many moms how amazing they feel after a Gathering. There’s nothing quite like meeting other moms who are also looking for connection and community. We would love to have you experience a Gathering and become a part of our village, mamas!

Stephanie Ciatti, speech-language pathologist and mom of three, started Babbling Babes in 2019 as a way to help new moms connect with others. To learn more about Babbling Babes and attend a Gathering, visit their website.